Tieteelliset julkaisut


Äärelä-Vihriälä, R., Paananen, S., Karlsson-Häikiö, T., Keskitalo, P., Lohilahti, L., & Häkkilä, J.  (2024). Engaging Northern Children’s Perspectives on Sustainability: Collaborative Art-based Methods in Education. In T. Jokela, M. Huhmarniemi & K. Burnett (Eds.), Relate North: New genre Arctic art education beyond borders. InSEA publications.

Korte, S.-M., Paksuniemi, M., Keskitalo, P., Selkälä, A., Körkkö, M., Anderson, K., Sarivaara, E., & Joona, T. (2024). Finnish pre-service teachers’ knowledge about the Indigenous Sámi people. Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/15595692.2024.2415018

Miettinen, J., Hallikainen, V., Valkonen, S., Hökkä, H., Hyppönen, M., & Rautio, P. (2024). Natural regeneration and early development of Scots pine seedlings after gap cutting in northern Finland. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 39(2), 89–100. https://doi.org/10.1080/02827581.2024.2303022

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