Workshop: Governance for Cyber Security and Resilience in the Arctic

« Takaisin27.1.2019 9:00–30.1.2019 16:00

Governance for Cyber Security and Resilience in the Arctic is a high level advanced research workshop to be held on 27-30 January 2019 in Rovaniemi, Finland. The workshop is funded by the Emerging Security Challenges Division of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), within the framework of its Science for Peace and Security Programme.

The workshop will bring together top scholars in cybersecurity risk assessment, governance, and resilience to discuss potential analytical and governing strategies and offer perspectives of how to improve critical digitalized Arctic infrastructure against various anthropological and natural threats. The workshop is intended for individuals with expertise in some aspect of cyber risk and resilience, as well as individuals and decision-makers responsible for developing risk governance approaches in the Arctic, such as securing civil and military infrastructure, civil-military readiness, and executing cyber defense.

Workshop participants will be organized into three working groups:
(A) Arctic cybersecurity infrastructure and its threats
(B) Analytical strategies to operationalize Arctic infrastructure threat absorption and resilience
(C) legal frameworks and governance options to promote Arctic cyber resilience.

“State of the science and practice” reviews by these working groups along with other materials discussed during the meeting will provide a foundation for a book that will be published by Springer. This workshop will provide government officials as well as military and civilian practitioners with a better understanding of the opportunities to enhance Arctic cyber resilience against various natural and anthropological challenges.

The outcome of the workshop will result in a book compiling individual chapters under each of the thematic areas referred to. The book will be published by Springer Link in 2019.
The project is co-directed by Drs. Benjamin Trump and Igor Linkov (the US Army Corps of Engineers) and Prof. Kamrul Hossain (Arctic Centre, University of Lapland).

The workshop is closed and by invitation only. If you are interested to participate to the workshop, please contact Kamrul Hossain: kamrul.hossain(at)

More information:

Workshop Flyer

Dr. Kamrul Hossain
Research Professor
The Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law
Arctic Centre, University of Lapland
+358 40 484 4281, kamrul.hossain(at)

Mirva Salminen
Northern Institute for Environmental and Minority Law
Arctic Centre, University of Lapland
+358 40 484 4037, mirva.salminen(at)
