Seminar on Climate, Food, Health and Entrepreneurship

« Takaisin29.11.2021 11:00–15:00

As part of the FinCEAL Plus BRIDGES Partnership for the African Region, (the Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland and the Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi (FIIRO), Nigeria aim to initiate discussion on collaborative research partnership between Finland and Nigeria on topics related to climate, food, health and entrepreneurship. We will highlight the relevance of natural foods in promoting health, digitalisation, food sovereignty, value addition and food product development that can empower the local people in both regions.

The virtual event from both regions will be held virtually and physically in Kieppi room (for those joining at the Arctic Centre) on Monday, 29th November, 2021.

PROGRAM: FINCEAL_Program_Nigeria291121.pdf

More information:
Bamidele “Dele” Raheem
Senior Researcher, Docent in Food Microbiology