Exploring critical approaches in Arctic studies: A roundtable and a research clinic

« Takaisin20.6.2023 16:00–18:00

This event is for doctoral candidates and Master’s level students planning doctoral studies and interested in critical approaches in Arctic studies.

Time: 20 June 2023 16-18 EET (Eastern European Time, UTC+02:00)
Place: Online, Zoom

The event is organised in two parts: 

In the first part, “The CAS roundtable”, Associate Professor Frank Sejersen (University of Copenhagen) will give a short introduction to the theme followed by questions and discussion. This part of the event is open to everybody and does not require prior registration. You may join the event via the link below.
The aim of the second part, “The CAS clinic”, is to share thoughts, experiences and questions about doing critical Arctic studies in different disciplines. In order to prepare for the clinic, please register via email by 10 June to monica.tennberg(at)ulapland.fi . Please include in the email any questions that you would like to be discussed in the clinic.  

The discussion will be chaired by Research professor Monica Tennberg and University researcher Marjo Lindroth (University of Lapland.)

Link to the zoom meeting: 

Join Zoom Meeting 

Meeting ID: 689 0125 5217 
Passcode: 857870 

Join by SIP 
Join by H.323 
Meeting ID: 689 0125 5217 
Passcode: 857870

More information:

Monica Tennberg, research professor
Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Finland
