Credits & Acknowledgements

Project outcome of the joint Finnish-Russian research project Live, Work or Leave? Youth-wellbeing and the viability of (post)extractive Arctic industrial cities in Finland and Russia (AKA No. 314471 and RFBR No. 1859-11001).

Authors: Adams, R-M.; Allemann, L; Bolotova, A.; Ivanova, A.; Komu, T.; Pitukhina, M; Simakova, A. & Stammler, F. in partnership with young people from the field sites. Project researchers: University of Lapland (Adams, R-M.; Allemann, L.; Joona, T.; Komu, T. & Stammler, F.), University of Helsinki (Bolotova, A.; Kulmala, M. & Tynkkynen, V-P.), North-Eastern Federal University (Ivanova, A., Oglezneva, T.), Petrozavodsk State University (Pitkuhina, M. & Simakova, A.)




 Neryungri, Nizhnyi Kuranakh, Novy Urengoy, Kemijärvi, Kirovsk, Kolari, Kovdor, Polyarnye Zori, Pyhäjoki, and Revda.


Boreal Bioref (Kemijärvi), Fennovoima (Pyhäjoki), EuroChem (Kovdor), Gazprom (Novy Urengoy), Kolmar (Neryungri), LGOK (Revda), Phosagro (Kirovsk/Apatity), Polyus Gold (Nizhnyi Kuranakh), Rosatom (Polyarnye Zori), and Yakutugol (Nergyungri).

Educational institutions:

 Gazprom tekhnikum (Novvi Urengoy), Kirovsk branch of Murmansk Arctic State University (Kirovsk), local upper secondary schools (Kemijärvi, Kolari and Pyhäjoki), Nergyungri branch of North-Eastern Federal University (Nergyungri), Northern National College (Lovozero/Revda), and Polyarnye Zori Energy College.

Civil society:

 Art-cinema Powder (Kirovsk), Centre of innovative youth creativeness (Tsentr molodeznogo innovatsionnogo tvorchestva) (Neryungri), church youth groups (Kemijärvi, Pyhäjoki), Iron Will Team (Tiksi), Laboratory of applied social technologies (Laboratoriya prikladnykh sotsial'nykh tekhnologiy) (Neryungri), Moottoripaja (Pyhäjoki), Pyhäjoki youth society Valistustalo (Valikkari) (Pyhäjoki), ‘Second Floor’ youth initiative (Revda), Social Centre for Youth (Apatity), local youth centres and workers (Kolari, Pyhäjoki, Kemijärvi), Youth Centre ‘Nord’ (Novy Urengoy), and Youth NGO Prityazhenie (Kovdor).