Northern Political Economy Blog (2013-2023)

The Arctic Seen and Felt


Gemma Holt is deliberating the Arctic and Arcticness and what they mean to her as a temporary resident of the area   

A place in the Russian North with a Finnish past


Researcher and NPE team member Adrian Braun spent several weeks in 2017 in Petrozavodsk (Finnish Petroskoi), the capital of Russian Karelia and shares a few of his experiences and impressions about this city   

A tiny Climate Act – Freezing Energy Consumption


Researcher Joonas Vola shares his tiny climate innovation and challenges you to think your own climate act for the year 2018   

NPE researchers around Europe: experiences from UK and Ukraine


PhD researcher and NPE member Paula Tulppo gives her impressions about the conference "The Democratic Recession and Europe in Flux: Everyday Perspectives Workshop"; while Dr. Hanna Lempinen shares some thoughts about her visit to Cernobyl nuclear power plant   

Metals and Minerals on the rise in the Arctic: A reflection of the FEM - Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining Conference 2017


The 11th biannual Fennoscandian Exploration and Mining conference (FEM 2017) with participants from business, politics, academia and others took place from October 31st to November 2nd 2017 in Levi, Finnish Lapland. Researcher and NPE team member Adrian Braun participated in this event due to his research interests in social responsible investments and sustainable business practices inside the extractive industries in the European Arctic.   

Breathing in the City of Icebergs


The thirds workshop for Recognizing Indigenous Rights and Local Perspectives - project (Nordic Council of Ministers) was held in the town of Ilulissat in mid-September. The travel opened up various new viewpoints to the local living circumstances in Greenland. Here is what we learned.   

NPE Symposium 2017 - Political Arctic/Arctic Political


The 2017 NPE Symposium “Political Arctic/Arctic Political” took place in Ylitornio 26-27 September. An international group of participants from the Nordic countries, Russia, Bangladesh and Mongolia shared their ideas about everyday life in the Arctic   

Cycle and Sustain, or There and Back Again


Researcher Joonas Vola tells a story about his attempt to conduct ethnographic fieldwork by following the ideals of environmental and economic sustainability    

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Researchers from the former Northern Political Economy Research Group shared their thoughts and insights related to the Arctic from everyday to social, political and economic perspectives (2013-2023).