WP1: Project coordination and administration
WP1 is led by the consortium leader, Docent, and Senior Researcher Tanja Joona from the Arctic Centre, University of Lapland. The work package guides the research and innovation operations of the REBOUND project through interactive and efficient project coordination. Members of the work package consist of the leaders of the other work packages. In REBOUND, a stakeholder board has been established, which consists of relevant and central actors regarding the project. The operations of the stakeholder board are led by the work package. The vice consortium leader, Professor Pasi Rautio from the Finnish Natural Resource Institute and project coordinator, Senior Researcher Mia Landauer from the Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, are responsible for the day-to-day governance of the project. This includes project administration, risk assessment and quality control, legal and contractual administration, communication with researchers, financial management (including the budget), reporting, and other assistance of the institution of the consortium. Interaction specialist Miia Kärnä and research assistant Juulia Tikkanen are also part of this work package.