CIBIECO project focuses on the ideas of the circular bioeconomy and their practical implementation in small enterprises in two polar regions - Finland and Argentina. The comparative aspect of the project reinforces the question of what are the ways of ‘translating’ circular concepts and approaches into practice, their benefits and limits in the context of a spatial and cultural application.
The objectives of the project are based on crossing the boundaries between research, education, and local and indigenous economic activities. The multidisciplinary project team will develop the course curriculum based on the close cooperation of research and smaller local enterprises in Lapland and Central Ostrobothnia regions in Finland and Cordoba and Patagonia regions in Argentina. The institutional collaboration broadens spatial and thematic perspectives of the educational and research activities and strengthens cooperation between Finnish and Argentinian universities. Arctic Centre leads the project.
Effective start/end date: 01.08.2022 → 31.12.2024
Funding: Finnish National Agency for Education
Exhibition based on research project
Throw Away or Find a Way to Circularity, Exhibition by Anna Stammler-Gossmann. September 2 – 19, 2024, Kopio Gallery, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, exhibition flyer. The exhibition is base on the findings in the project Circular Bioeconomy: From Theory to Practice.