Chosen relevant papers of the Arctic Law Thematic Network members

Current Developments in Arctic Law 

Volume 3 (2015)
Edited by Timo Koivurova and Waliul Hasanat
University of the Arctic Thematic Network on Arctic Law (2014

With the Current Developments in Arctic Law 2015, the network is striving to provide short updates on issues of legal significance taking place in the Arctic.

The document has been edited by Thematic Network Leads Timo Koivurova and Waliul Hasanat, from the University of Lapland, and it contains all together 13 short articles written by legal professionals.

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Current Developments in Arctic Law

Volume 2 (2014)
Edited by Timo Koivurova and Waliul Hasanat
University of the Arctic Thematic Network on Arctic Law (2014)

Much is happening in the field of Arctic law, as is well shown by this second edition of the Current Developments in Arctic Law. Soft-law documents and recommendations of the Arctic Council continue to be important source of “gently” harmonizing the way the Arctic nationstates apply and interpret the national legal provisions in Arctic conditions. In addition to this, hard-law has started to gain ground in the Arctic. The two agreements negotiated under the auspices of the Arctic Council, on search and rescue and oil spills, negotiations to complete the legally binding Polar Code that regulates navigation (also) in the Arctic and tentative discussions of an Arctic fisheries agreement have certainly provoked interest in Arctic legal issues. Moreover, various kinds of national, Arctic-specific legal regulations have also been issued by nation-states, such as the Act on the Northern Sea Route by the Russian Federation.

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Current Developments in Arctic Law 

Volume 1 (2014)
Edited by Timo Koivurova and  Waliul Hasanat
University of the Arctic Thematic Network on Arctic Law (2013)

Ongoing changes in the Arctic generate an increase of human activities (e.g., shipping and exploitation of natural resources), ones which will require legal and other regulation if they are to be safe and sustainable. This book compiles 18 short contributions that will provide into how the law and policy function in the Arctic. Many of the contributions identify legal issues that will shape the future of the Arctic, offering perspectives that would benefit the legal community at large.

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Unofficial English translation of Lapp Codicil

The Lapp Codicil was adopted together with the 1751 Treaty of Strömstad delimiting the border between Denmark-Norway and Sweden-Finland. The Codicil regulated movement and rights of the Sami (Lapp nation) across state borders. 

Download the Codicil