Extractive Industries Working Group (EIWG)

Member Contacts

Florian Stammler: Coordinator of Extractive Industries Working Group. Council Member of the International Arctic Social Sciences Association. Research Professor, coordinator of the Anthropology Research Team, Arctic Centre University of Lapland. florian.stammler[at]ulapland.fi. More information here.
Expertise: Social and cultrural impacts of extractive industrial development, particularly in the Russian North. Community viability; relations between industry, communities and the state
Regional Specialization: Entire Russian Arctic, comparative focus to Fennoscandia
Current work: Academic research on Russian Northern indigenous and non-indigenous residents and their relations to industrial development. Oral histories of Arctic indigenous peoples and their perception of the state. Consultant to oil and gas industry
Prior Work: Academic research on reindeer nomadism and community viability of industrial cities in the Russian Arctic. Expert work for NGOs

Mark Nuttall: Professor and Henry Marshall Tory Chair, Department of Anthropology, University of Alberta, Canada. Academy of Finland Distinguished Professor, University of Oulu, Finland. mark.nuttall[at]ualberta.ca
Expertise: Social impacts of extractive industries, sociology and anthropology of pipeline development, cultures of mining
Regional Specialization: Greenland, Canada, Fennoscandia
Current work: Political ecology of energy development and mining in Greenland, pipeline politics in northwest Canada,social impact assessment processes, the politics of community consultation
Prior Work: Human/environment relations in Greenland and crosscultural in the Arctic, anthropology of climate change

Emma Wilson: Energy Team Leader and senior research in the Sustainable
Markets Group at the International Institute for Environment and
Development. emma.wilson()ecwenergy.com. More information here.
Expertise: Sustainable development, social impact assessment, corporate-community relations, community development
Regional Specialization: Russian Far East and Russian North West, as well as global involvement
Current work: Contribution of business activities to national- and local-level sustainable development; corporate-community relations; public and private sector partnerships for development; NGOs as development actors
Prior Work: Consultant to oil and gas industry, Sakhalin Island, the Russian Far East (prior roles include academic researcher and environmentalist)

Thierry Rodon: Chair on Northern Sustainable Development Department of Political Science, Université Laval, Québec.
Expertise: Sustainable Northern Development, Social Impact of Mining, Community Viability, Community Participation, Aboriginal Self-Governance, Northern Education
Regional Specialization: Canada, USA, Greenland
Current work: Academic research on the social impact of mining project in the circumpolar world.
Case studies on the social impact of mining project in Nunavut and Nunavik.
Prior Work: Consultant with Aboriginal organisations on resource management, training, climate change adaptation and community participation to environmental assessment processes.

Hannu I. Heikkinen: Professor of cultural anthropology, the University of Oulu. Docent of environmental and applied anthropology. Hannu.I.Heikkinen[at]oulu.fi
Expertise: Traditional and nature based livelihoods including tourism, social and cultural impacts of industrial resource utilization, participatory research.
Regional Specialization: Fennoscandia, North America
Current work: Local adaptation to climate change and impacts of large scale mining projects in the North.
Prior Work: Research on reindeer herding, local communities, nature conservation, tourism and industrial resource uses.

Courtney Carothers: Assistant Professor, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks. clcarothers[at]alaska.edu
Expertise: environmental anthropology, political ecology, commercial and subsistence fisheries, rural sustainability
Regional Specialization: Alaska
Current work: academic research on fisheries privatization and affects on well-being in Kodiak, Alaska; total environments of change in Northwest Arctic and North Slope Boroughs

Olga Povoroznyuk: Researcher, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Olga_povor[at]yahoo.com. More information here.
Expertise: Impacts of industrial projects on socio-economic (demography, infrastructure, land use, quality and way of life) and cultural (education, language, ethnic culture) development of local, particularly, indigenous, communities of the Russian North.
Regional Specialization:  Barents Region (Nenets Autonomous District), Western Siberia (Evenk Municipal District), Eastern Siberia and Transbaikal Area (Zabaikal’skii Region)
Current work: Academic research in indigenous, ethnically mixed and industrial communities of the Russian North, traditional land use practices, culturescapes and socio-economic adaptation of the local population in the context of industrial development, mobile labour and competition for resources in the North. Applied expert work and consulting for regional and federal authorities.
Prior Work: Academic research on socio-economic and cultural transformations of indigenous communities in soviet and post-soviet period, legal anthropology, customary law and the status of indigenous peoples of the North. Collaboration with NGOs.

Ken S. Coates: Canada Research Chair in Regional Innovation, Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Saskatchewan. Co-Director of Research, International Centre for Northern Governance and Development
Expertise: Global history of Indigenous peoples, history of resource
development in the Canadian North, regional development policies, national
innovation and northern development.
Regional Specialization: Northern Canada
Current Work: regional development in the provincial North, high technology
and the transformation of northern resource activities, Industry-Aboriginal
Prior Work: History of northern Canada and northern resource development,
comparative northern policy, regional entrepreneurship

Arn Keeling: Assistant professor, Department of Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Expertise: historical geography of Canada, mineral development in the
Canadian North, northern development, cultural geography, history of
environmental science
Regional specialization: Northern and Western Canada
Current work: Abandoned mines in Northern Canada, a multi-year, multi-site
project examining the history and contemporary legacies of mine development
and abandonment in the Canadian north
Prior work: studies of domestic and industrial pollution, pollution control
and environmental regulation, environmental politics, and the history of the
conservation/environmental movement

John Sandlos: Associate Professor, Department of History, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Expertise: Canadian environmental history, mining history, northern Canadian
history, hinterland industrial development, parks and protected areas,
conservation history
Regional specialization: Northern Canada
Current work: Abandoned mines in Northern Canada, a project studying the
history of abandoned mines in the Canadian North and the contemporary
social, economic and environmental impacts of abandoned mines on First
Nations communities
Prior work: History of conservation in northern Canada; history of parks and
protected areas in Canada; First Nations and wildlife conservation /
protected areas in Canada.

Bob Loeffler: Visiting Professor of Public Policy, Institute of Social and Economic Research, University of Alaska, Anchorage. Teaches a course in land management, specifically on how public resource development decisions are made and focus on extractive industries, particularly mining. rloeffle[at]uaa.alaska.edu
Expertise: Permitting issues and the social and environmental impacts and opportunities from extractive industries in Alaska, particularly mining.
Regional Specialization: Alaska.
Current work: Focus on environmental and social issues and opportunities from mining.
Prior work: Worked as lead coordinator of mine permitting in Alaska; Former Director of Alaska Division of Mining, Land and Water; Partner in a consulting firm specializing in permitting issues with clients from industry, government, and native corporations.

Arthur Mason: Visiting Assistant Professor, University of California Berkeley. arthur.mason[at]berkeley.edu
Expertise: Ethnography of fleeting phenomena, particularly as it relates to intellectual professionals working on futures of arctic oil/gas development
Regional Specialization: Circum-Arctic
Current work: Academic study of intermediary experts assessing Norwegian and Russian Arctic natural gas development.
Prior Work: Academic study on intermediary experts assessing Alaskan and Western Canadian arctic natural gas development.

Jessica Shadian: Senior researcher, High North Center for Business and Governance, Bodo Graduate School for Business, University of Nordland; International Arctic Social Science Representative to the EU; lead author AHDR-II chapter: Political Systems and Geopolitics. jessica.shadian[at]uin.no
Expertise: Arctic governance, global governance, Arctic indigenous governance, Arctic resource development, Inuit resource development, Arctic oil and gas development, EU and the Arctic
Regional Specialization:
Alaska, Canada, Greenland and EU Arctic
Current work:
Academic research on Inuit governance and resource development, Arctic governance, EU and the Arctic, sovereignty, Arctic history in international relations. Consultant to oil and gas industry.

Stephanie Irlbacher-Fox: PhD Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and Dalla Lana School of Public Health University of Toronto; Adjunct Professor, Canadian Circumpolar Institute, University of Alberta. stephaniefox[at]theedge.ca.  More information here.
Expertise: Indigenous governance; Northern governance; relationship between governance and the economy in the Northwest Territories, Canada.
Regional Specialization:
Canadian North; Northwest Territories, Canada.
Current Work:
Constitutional development in the Northwest Territories, Canada; self government and land claim negotiations and implementation in the Northwest Territories, Canada; work developing an institutional basis for Dechinta, a land-based university near Yellowknife, NWT, Canada.

Evelyn A. LaTour: Graduate Student, Department of Anthropology, Purdue University. elatour[at]purdue.edu.
Expertise:  Corporate-community relations, social and environmental impact assessments in mining, economic and business anthropology.
Regional Specialization:
Alaska, Canada, Greenland
Current Work:
The implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) by multinational mining companies in Greenland through community consultation. Discourses of socioeconomic development by way of opportunities for increased market (private sector) participation. Interested in perspectives from both stakeholders and corporate actors.

Karin Granqvist: Ph.D. in History, guest research at Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment at KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. karin.granqvist[at]online.no
Expertise:  Sámi History, Contemporary Sámi History, Early Modern Law, Cultural Encounters, Sámi/Indigenous Politics, Sámi in 19th and 20th century's Natural Field Science preferable the high mountain massif Sarek and also in comparison with representations of Inuits.
Regional Specialization:
Northern Sweden, Northern Norway, the Barents Region.
Current Work:
Effects of Mining on Sámi Reindeer Herders in the north of Sweden and First Nations in Northern Quebec, and effects on reindeer husbandry and indigenous livelihood. An international co-project with Thora Herrmann (Canda), Hugo Asselin (Canda) and Per Sandström (Sweden).
Prior Work:
19th and 20th century representations of Sámi in Swedish natural science preferable Axel Hamberg's, representations of gender, ethnicity and nation, Sámi and early modern law, early modern Sámi history, cultural encounters between the Sámi and the Swedish state, representations of Sámi in 19th and 20th century school books.

Hannah Strauss: PhD, research affiliate, Anthropology Research Team, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland
Finland. hstrauss[at]ualberta.ca
Expertise: Siting of large-scale energy projects in the circumpolar North; sociological analysis of participatory assessment and planning practices; socio-legal study of regulatory and administrative structures
Regional specialization:
Finland, Canada
Current work:
indigenous legal orders and large-scale energy resource extraction
Prior work:
studies on nuclear, hydro and wind power projects in Finland: public participation, regulatory frameworks, environmental
impact assessment and land use planning procedures; studies on environmental management

Tara Cater: Graduate Student, Department of Geography, Memorial University. tara.cater[at]mun.ca. More information here:
Expertise: (post)colonial spaces of cross-cultural contact and coexistence between Indigenous and non-Indigenous actors, Indigenous research methodologies, contested meanings of place and development, geographies of resource extraction, and the role of culture in theorizing sustainable development.
Regional Specialization:
Canadian Arctic
Current Work:
My research aims to recast mining in the Kivalliq Region of Nunavut as a cultural "encounter," framing mineral development as a
force that triggers new relationships of power between multiple actors: including northern communities, workers, and mining companies.

William Davies: PhD Student, Sustainability Research Institute School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, LS2 9JT
United Kingdom, geo3wd[at]leeds.ac.uk
Current work:
Research looks at the 'resource frontier' of a changing Arctic and asks whether governance and policy is capable of meeting environmental and social needs in the context of rapid environmental change and increased extractive activity. Of specific interest is the politics of 'oil spill prevention, preparedness and response' policy in the Arctic

Gerti Eilmsteiner-Saxinger, Ph.D cand. Social Anthropology, Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW), Institute for Urban and Regional Research (ISR), coordinatior & researcher in „Lives on the Move: Vakhtoviki in Northwestern Siberia” (FWF) [P 22066-G 17]. gertrude.eilmsteiner-saxinger at univie.ac.at
More information here http://www.univie.ac.at/ksa/html/inh/pers/lekt/eilm.htm and here http://raumforschung.univie.ac.at/en/gerti-eilmsteiner-saxinger
Expertise: spatial and mobility research; labour, post-socialist and gender studies
Regional Specialization: Arctic, Russia, Canada, Australia
Current work:  labour mobility, fly-in/fly-out & long-distance commute work in the extractive industries, gate-keeping and working conditions in the Russian petroleum sector; teaching history of theory of anthropology
Prior Work: life-plans of students and systems of inequality in the Russian tertiary educational system; quality management in public adult educational institutions

Vera Kuklina, V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy
of Sciences. vvkuklina[at]gmail.com
Cofounder and Deputy Director of non-governmental organization "Center for environmental studies and education", Research Associate of the Centre for Independent Social Research and Education. More information here:
Expertise: Assessment of impact of industrial projects, sustainable development of local, particularly, indigenous, communities of the Russian North, particularly Baikal region.
Regional Specialization:  Baikal region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Current work: Academic research in local communities of Baikal region: issues of urban indigenous peoples, monotowns, sustainable development, shift workers, perception of remoteness.

Erika Machacek, Ph.D cand. Economic and Political Geography, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen and Department of Petrology and Economic Geology, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), email: em at geus.dk
More information here http://geo.ku.dk/english/ and here http://www.geus.dk/geuspage-uk.htm
Expertise: Policy research; Economics and Environmental studies
Regional Specialization:
South Greenland
Current work: Global value chain analysis of rare earth elements; Value chain dynamics; Potential extractive industry in South Greenland
Prior Work: Policy analysis focusing on EU Directives/Regulations with an environmental emphasis (RoHS, REACH, WEEE, Waste Management Directive, Ecodesign Directive), Case study on the regulation of REE-using permanent magnet motors.

Roman Sidortsov:  Senior Global Energy Fellow, Institute for Energy and the Environment, Vermont Law School, United States, PhD Candidate (Polar Studies), Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, rsidortsov(at)gmail.com
Expertise: Comparative energy law and policy, comparative and international environmental law and policy, U.S., Russian, and Norwegian oil and gas law and policy, U.S. and Russian climate change law and policy
Regional Specialization
Russian, Norwegian, and U.S. Arctic, Vermont
Current work: Academic research on risk governance of offshore oil and gas activities in Russia and Norway, energy justice, legal and regulatory regime for offshore mineral resources in the U.S. Arctic, use of industry standards in offshore oil and gas exploration and extraction
Prior Work: MBA and law faculty member, attorney (U.S. and Russia), consultant with an environmental firm.

Kim van Dam: Senior Researcher Cultural Geography, Arctic Centre, University of Groningen, the Netherlands and Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, the Netherlands; k.i.m.van.dam[at]rug.nl. At present involved in the EUAIC initiative
Expertise: place identities and discourse, sustainable communities, governance, place attachment, the relation of people to natural resources
Regional specialization: Canada (Nunavut), EU Arctic
Current work and research interests: Social Impact Assessment and resource development, place attachment, place and discourse, migration
Prior: place identities in Nunavut, sustainable communities and resilience, population decline

Gunhild Hoogensen Gjørv: Associate Professor, Political Science, UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
gunhild.hoogensen.gjorv at  uit.no
Expertise: Security studies (environmental, economic, energy, human security, etc); impacts of extractive industries on local communities, Security in the Arctic
Regional Specialization
Norway, Russia 
Current work: Development of theoretical security approaches for the Arctic setting
Prior Work: Projects on physiological impacts of extractive industries on local communities; edited book - Environmental and Human Security in the Arctic: http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9781844075492/

Genevieve Parente: Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, genevieve.parente [at] geog.ubc.ca
Expertise: Private sector actors in Arctic governance and economic development, state sovereignty, geopolitical security, energy security, Arctic neoliberalism, knowledge production and policy processes
Regional Specialization: Russia, Alaska
Current work: non-renewable resource companies and native corporations in Arctic decision-making and resource development, corporate role in setting security narratives and economic development goals in the Arctic, offshore oil development (US), Arctic population and biopolitics
Prior work: municipal strategies of Siberian industrial cities to manage migration and achieve economic sustainability in the market economy, corporate social responsibility (CSR) 

Jen Schmidt: Researcher, Department of Arctic and Marine Biology, University of Tromsø, Norway
jischmidt0 at gmail.com
Personal website: https://sites.google.com/site/jenschmidt77/home 
Expertise: I am a researcher who has been building a spatial database of mining in the Arctic. Currently, I work at the University of Tromso, but right now am a visiting scholar at the University of Alaska - Anchorage. The goal of my time here is to submit a proposal with people to examine mining in the arctic. I think it is important to be a part of this working group and one of the people I am working with, Bob Loeffler, is a member. Given the vast amount of research and interest in the Arctic being a part of the group will help avoid duplication of efforts and promote synergy of projects. 

Dr. Markus Kröger: Researcher, Docent (adjunct professor) in Development Studies Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki
markus.kroger (at) helsinki.fi
Website: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/mkroger/
LinkedIn: http://fi.linkedin.com/pub/markus-kr%C3%B6ger/2b/1a8/452
Contentious Agency and Natural Resource Politics (London: Routledge, September 2013): http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415659673/
Short profile:
Is involved in the GlobalArctic project, and has published on the causes of the recent Finnish mining boom. Planning to do more comparative research on the Arctic forestry and mining investments, vis-a-vis the global South

Mia Landauer, MSc. (Geography), Dr. nat. techn. (Natural Resources and Life Sciences), 
Postdoctoral Research Scholar,
Arctic Futures Initiative; Risk and Resilience Program,
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA),
Laxenburg, Austria 
Expertise: Environmental policy and management, risk governance, and climate change adaptation of local and indigenous communities. 
Regional Specialization: Nordic Arctic
Current work: International climate policy: loss and damage from climate change related risks in  Arctic local and indigenous communities. 
Environmental and social impacts of industrial development on reindeer husbandry in Finland.
Public participation in environmental management.
Participatory risk governance.  
Prior Work: Nordic Centre of Excellence NORD-STAR project at School of Engineering, Aalto University Finland: urban climate governance in the Nordic countries
Doctoral studies at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU): landscape conservation and planning; tourism marketing and management in the face of global change. 

Giuseppe Amatulli – Postdoctoral Fellow, Carleton University
Expertise: ILO Convention No. 169, right to land and management of natural resources, economy and human rights, poverty eradication, sustainable development.
Regional Specialization: Fennoscandia, Finnish Lapland

Jasmiini Pylkkänen: Doctoral Researcher, Cultural Anthropology, University of Oulu, Finland. Visiting Graduate Student, Department of Sociology, University of Alberta, Canada. , Jasmiini Pylkkänen <Jasmiini.Pylkkanen@oulu.fi>
Expertise: Risks, disasters and socio-environmental justice in the context of natural resource governance and northern extractive industries. Interdisciplinary research combining political science, anthropology and sociology.
Regional specialization: Circumpolar North, especially: Finland, Canada, Greenland and Sweden.
Current work: Fairness in the allocation of risks and benefits of mining throughout the lifespan of mining operations (including also exploration stages, post-mining remediation, etc.). Finding ways to bridge political authorities’
and lay people’s approaches to implementation challenges there are with natural resources extraction and benefits sharing agreements and policies.

Aja ("Asia") Mason - born and raised in Yukon Territory, Canada. I'm just starting an MA in interdisciplinary studies with a focus on the effects of extractive industries on rates of domestic violence in the Yukon - and potentially in other circumpolar areas. Aja Mason aja.mason@gmail.com

Lill Rastad Bjørst is associate professor at Aalborg University and holds a PhD in Arctic Studies from the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies at the University of Copenhagen. Recent research is focusing on the climate change debate in Greenland and, since 2012, the political debate about Greenland’s uranium. She is head of the research center CIRCLA (Centre for Innovation and Research in Culture and Living in the Arctic) and academic coordinator for Arctic Studies, a Master’s programme specialization at Aalborg University. Her research interests include Inuit culture and society; climate change and sustainability; mining and industrialization; postcolonialism and tourism. rastad@cgs.aau.dk

Brigt Dale (PhD Political Science, MSc Social and visual anthropology) is a senior Researcher at Nordland Research Institute, Norway. In his research he is focusing on extractive industries, Arctic community development, and climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience. Dale has also research interests pertaining to fisheries, aquaculture and tourism development, as well as contributing to discussions and theory development in security issues, transformation, sustainability theory and the valuation of nature. More recently he is working on developing a framework for understanding the interlinkages between extractivist policies and industry strategies in the Arctic and the need for just and viable transitions for a post-petroleum future.

Élise Lépy: PhD in Geography, Researcher at the Discipline of Cultural Anthropology, University of Oulu, Finland.
Expertise: environmental and climate change, local adaptation to climate change, cumulative impacts on landscapes and traditional livelihoods
Regional specialization: Fennoscandinavia and Canada
Current work: land use conflicts and multiple pressures on Arctic landscapes and communities in mining contexts; impacts of climate change, mining developments and other land users on reindeer husbandry
Prior work: research on climate change impacts on tourism, mining related issues, reindeer herding and sea ice
elise.lepy oulu.fi