Scope and Types of Environmental Impacts(LABECO)
The objective of LABECO was to find bio-indicators suitable for monitoring the environmental effects for tourist destinations.
The state of tourist destinations and the surrounding nature was assessed by using:
- Point count data on birds
- Occurrence of disturbance-sensitive species
- Wildlife triangle survey data
- Indicators of sustainable nature-based tourism
- Methods of monitoring trampling resistance
The task produced:
- A guidebook on bio-indicators
- An exhibition on the nature impacts of tourism
- A list of suitable indicators to evaluate and monitor the state of tourist destinations
Specific measure
Landscape indicators
Tolerance level of landscape for the change
Landscape structure
Quality of green areas
Green area hierarchy
Visual diversity
Landscape nodes
Attraction values of the landscape
Number of tourists
Customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction index
Geological and hydrogeological indicators
Geological diversity
Survival of local soil and bedrock monuments
Sustainable use of extractable soil
Use of extractable soil recourses
Hydrology I
Amount and quality of ground and surface water
Hydrology II
Eutrophication of waters
Hydrology III
Amount of run-off water
Hydrology IV
Hydrogeological changes
Susceptibility of terrain
Survival of bedrock and soil resources
Erosion of trails
Erosion of trails
Ecological indicators
Survival of wilderness species
Proportion wilderness birds of the community
Urbanization of nature
Proportion of urban birds of the community
Urbanization of species
Number of magpies and crows
Occurrence of disturbance-sensitive species
Territory occupancy and breeding success of the Golden Eagle
Breeding success of birds
Artificial nest losses
Wear of trails
Width and depth of trails
Wear of alpine heats I
Total cover of mosses and lichens
Wear alpine heats II
Cover of crowberry
Comfortableness of the environment
Amount of litter in rest points
Social indicators
Communication about the land use planning and changes
Interactive planning and collaborative learning
Participation of local actors on public hearings/meetings, e.g. master plan meetings
Acceptability of tourism
How local people see the tourism
Land and resource use of locals
Opportunity to continue traditional land use
Contact details:
Project Coordinator
Jukka Jokimäki
University of Lapland
Arctic Centre
P.O.Box 122
96101-FI Rovaniemi
Main publications:
Jokimäki, J. & Kaisanlahti-Jokimäki, M.-L.. (toim.) 2007 : Sustainability indicators for tourist destinations (in Finnish with English summary and conlusions). -Arktisen keskuksen tiedotteita 52. Lapin yliopisto, Arktinen keskus. Painatuskeskus Finland, Rovaniemi. 80 s.
Sulkava, P. & Norokorpi, Y. (toim.) 2007: Impact of nature tourism on vegetation and erosion in the Pallas-Yllästunturi National Park (In Finnish with English documentation page). -Metsähallituksen luonnonsuojelujulkaisuja. Sarja A 166.
Kangas, K., Sulkava, P., Koivuniemi, P., Tolvanen, A., Siikamäki, P. & Norokorpi, Y. 2007: What determines the area of impact around campsites? A case study in a Finnish national park. -Forest Snow and Landscape Research 81: 139-150.
Kaisanlahti- Jokimäki, M.-L., Jokimäki, J., Huhta, E., Ukkola, M., Helle, P. & Ollila, T. 2008: Territory occupancy and breeding success of the Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) around tourist destinations in northern Finland. -Ornis Fennica 85: xx-xx (in press).