Publications resulting from the Environmental and Social Impacts of Industrialization in Northern Russia (ENSINOR) project
- Forbes, B.C., F. Stammler, T. Kumpula, N. Meschtyb, A. Pajunen, and E. Kaarlejärvi (2009) High resilience in the Yamal-Nenets social-ecological system, West Siberian Arctic, Russia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106: 22041-22048. Download full text [2 Mb pdf].
- Bartsch, A., T. Kumpula, B.C. Forbes and F. Stammler (MS) Detection of snow surface thawing and refreezing using QuikScat: implications for reindeer herding (submitted).
- Kumpula, T., Pajunen, A., Kaarlejärvi, E., Forbes, B.C. and Stammler, F. (MS) Land use and land cover change in arctic Russia: ecological and social implications of industrial development (submitted).
- Pajunen A, Oksanen J and Virtanen R. (MS) The relationships between shrub abundance and functional composition and species richness of understorey vegetation in western Eurasian tundra (submitted).
- Kumpula, T., B.C. Forbes and F. Stammler (2010) Remote sensing and local knowledge of hydrocarbon exploitation: the case of Bovanenkovo, Yamal, West Siberia. Arctic (in press).
- Forbes, B.C., E. Kaarlejärvi T. Kumpula, N. Meschtyb, A. Pajunen, F. Stammler and T. Tuisku (2010) Lessons from ENSINOR: planning and implementation of an interdisciplinary research project. In: T. Huttunen and M. Ylikangas (eds.) Witnessing Change in Contemporary Russia. Kikimora, Helsinki (in press).
- Walker, D.A., B.C. Forbes et al. (2010). Cumulative effects of rapid land-cover and land-use changes on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia. In: G. Gutman, P. Groisman and A. Reissel (eds.). Eurasian Arctic Land Cover and Land Use in a Changing Climate. Springer, Berlin (in press).
- Forbes, B.C., F. Stammler, T. Kumpula, N. Meschtyb, A. Pajunen, and E. Kaarlejärvi (2009) High resilience in the Yamal-Nenets social-ecological system, West Siberian Arctic, Russia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (in press).
- Pajunen, A.M., E.M. Kaarlejärvi, B.C. Forbes and R. Virtanen (2009) Classification, compositional differentiation and vegetation-environment relationships of willow-characterised vegetation in the western Eurasian Arctic. Journal of Vegetation Science doi:10.1111/j.1654-1103.2009.01123.x.
- Pajunen, A.M. (2009) Environmental and Biotic Determinants of Growth and Height of Arctic Willow Shrubs along a Latitudinal Gradient. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 41: 478–485.
- Walker D.A., M.O. Leibman, H.E. Epstein, B.C. Forbes et al. (2009) Tundra greening on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia: Spatial and temporal patterns of NDVI and the roles of rapid permafrost degradation and landslides. Environmental Research Letters doi:10.1088/1748-9326/4/4/045004.
- Forbes, B.C., M. Macias Fauria and P. Zetterberg (2009) Russian Arctic warming and ‘greening’ are closely tracked by tundra shrub willows. Global Change Biology doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2009.02047.x.
Forbes, B.C. and Kumpula, T. (2009) The ecological role and geography of reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in northern Eurasia. Geography Compass 3/4: 1356-1380.
- Forbes, B.C. and Stammler, F. (2009) Arctic climate change discourse: the contrasting politics of research agendas in the West and Russia. Polar Research 28: 28–42.
- Stammler, F. 2009. “Mobile phone revolution in the tundra? Technological change among Russian reindeer nomads”, in /Generation P in the Tundra, /ed by Aimar Ventsel, /Folklore 41/ Talinn: Estonian Literary Museum, pp 47-78. (available online at
- Pajunen, A.M., R. Virtanen and H. Roininen (2008) The effects of reindeer grazing on the composition and species richness of vegetation in forest-tundra ecotone. Polar Biology 31: 1233-1244.
- Forbes, B.C. (2008) Equity, vulnerability and resilience in social-ecological systems: a contemporary example from the Russian Arctic. Research in Social Problems and Public Policy 15: 203-236.
- Stammler, F. 2008. Stammler, F. 2008. Кочевой образ жизни оленеводов прибрежной зоны Западной Сибири (Ямал): возможности и ограничения в свете недавних перемен. /Экологическое планирование и управление. Выпуск 8-9 (3-4)./ Спец выпуск по МПГ под редакции И.Крупника и Д. Дроздова. Москва.
Nomadic livelihood of reindeer herders of West Siberian Coast: possibilities and limits in the light of recent changes. Ecological planning and management, vol 8-9 (3-4), pp 78-91. Special issue on IPY, edited by I. Krupnik and A. Drozdov, in Russian]
- W. G. Rees & F. M. Stammler & F. S. Danks & P. Vitebsky 2008. Vulnerability of European reindeer husbandry to global change. /Climatic Change/, vol 87: 199-217
- Stammler, F. & V. Peskov 2008. Building a ‘Culture of dialogue’ among stakeholders in North-West Russian oil extraction./ Europe-Asia Studies/, vol 60, No 5, July 2008, 831-849.