Northern political economy symposium 2020 titled ‘Excavating sites of power in the Arctic’ will be held as an online symposium October 27 – 28, 2020. Organizers welcome presentations that delve into power in its different, and potentially disguised/hidden/subdued forms and manifestations.
Keynote speaker of the symposium is
professor Julian Reid. He is Chair and Professor of International Relations at the University of Lapland. The title of his key note lecture is “Arctic Biopolitics” and the lecture will provide a critical assessment of the potentials of the concept of biopolitics for the theorization of power in the Arctic. In particular the lecture will focus on the question of the governance of migration within the Arctic.
In addition to the key note lecture, the programme will include presentations by the participants and time allocated for discussions. The symposium will be held this year online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Deadline for proposals is September 20. The presentations can discuss the exercise of power by different human and non-human agencies and analyze its different consequences, for example, for the region’s population, development and governance.
Further instructions for sending the abstracts:
NPE symposium 2020 homepage
More information:
Monica Tennberg
Symposium organizer, research professor
Northern political economy research group
Arctic Centre, University of Lapland