The University of Lapland will organize the sixth Northern Political Economy symposium in September 8th-9th 2016 in Rovaniemi, Finland. The symposium will discuss Arctic everyday life and various tactics of tackling changes in it.
There will be two high-level keynote
speakers in the symposium. Helena Ruotsala is a Nordic expert and a
professor of ethnology at University of Turku, Finland. She studies
currently everyday transnational processes in Finland and Sweden on the
border in Haparanda-Tornio twin-city. She is interested in the everyday
life and the related social, economic and environmental aspects. Her
past research relate to environmental change, northern livelihoods,
reindeer herding and tourism as well as ethnic policies and identities.
Duhaime, a professor at the Université Laval in Québec, Canada, is a
widely known specialist on Arctic living conditions and on the
mechanisms for social change and its consequences for local communities.
A sociologist and political scientist by training, he has specialized
in the comparative analysis of the economic, social and political living
conditions in the Arctic.
Registration is open by August 31,
2016. More information about the registration and the programme will be
found from
the symposium websites.
More information:
Northern Political Economy Symposium: Everyday Life in the Arctic
Symposium organizer
research professor Monica Tennberg
Northern political economy/Sustainable development,
Arctic Centre, University of Lapland