
Arctic Centre joining a Horizon 2020 project on sustainable management in extractive industries

5.11.2020 10:05

The Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland will lead Work Package 2 (Clustering and meta-analysis) of the EU Horizon 2020 project SUMEX.

The work package is focusing on the organisation of two clustering workshops with relevant Horizon 2020 raw materials projects as well as compiling an inventory of extractives and related projects involving land use planning, permitting, environmental planning, regional development, socio-economic issues and policy research.

The SUMEX (SUstainable Management in EXtractive Industries) project will address the definition of sustainability in connection with the extractive industry in Europe. It does so by considering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the European Green Deal, as well as EU Social License to Operate (SLO) considerations and will involve various European stakeholders from industry, government, academia and civil society. 

The project team is coordinated by Montanuniversität Leoben in Austria and it has nine European partners. SUMEX has started on November 1st, 2020 with a project duration of three years.

In the Arctic Centre, researcher Pamela Lesser acts as the project leader. Junior researcher is Katri Kyllönen.

Additional information:

researcher Pamela Lesser

pamela.lesser@ulapland.fi; +358 40 484 4051