“Liskomies” (“Lizard Man”) by Pekka Tuuri.
Underwater exoticism appealed to the jury the most this time. Nature Photographs of the Year are on display in spring exhibition in Arktikum Science Centre, Rovaniemi, Finland.
The new exhibition presents the winners of The Nature Photographs of the Year Competition. The winner photograph is Pekka Tuuri’s “Liskomies” (“Lizard Man”). Tuuri is the fifth photographer in the history of the competition who has managed to renew his victory.
The exhibition opens in Arktikum on 22 March and photos can be admired until 15 May. Welcome to see the beautiful Finnish nature captured by the top photographers!
Nature Photographs of the Year 2021
Arktikum Science Centre, Pohjoisranta 4, Rovaniemi, Finland
Opening hours and admission

”Sydämeni on kevyt kuin perhonen” (“My heart is light as butterfly”) by Hannu Ahonen was a winning photo in the Free and creative -category.