Arctic Science Centre Exhibition 2008 - 2009
The Science Centre Exhibition at the Arktikum House presents the Arctic with its beautiful nature and various indigenous cultures through an interactive and scientific based approach. More than 70 000 persons visit the Arktikum House in Rovaniemi each year, half of them visitors from abroad.
The new "Arctic in Change" permanent exhibition was opened in April 2007. The development of the new exhibition continued also during the years 2008 - 2009. Temporary exhibitions (list below) are displayed in the Arktikum hall and in the temporary exhibition hall next to the science centre exhibition.
In December 2008 the first Arctic Market Days was held in the Arktikum hall and in Aurora conference room. The successful handicraft market got a continuation in December 2009 with about 2500 visitors.

Ongoing projects 2008 - 2009
ACCENT - Action on Climate Change through Engagement, Networks and Tools
Message: Do you commit to action on climate change? I DO
“I do” is the message of the ACCENT project, which coordinates a European action on climate change, engaging the public inside and outside of science centres and museums across Europe throughout 2010.
Arctic Centre is responsible for gathering and systematizing the best practices on how to communicate climate change related issues to the general public. These best practices are based on first hand experiences from the project partners. In addition, Arctic Centre is also responsible for establishing a scientific board for the Accent project and consulting the board regarding climate change related issues.
Happenings 2009
The kickoff meeting of the Accent project was arranged between 15 - 18.4.2009 in Naples, Italy. The second meeting was arranged between 9 - 11.9.2009 in Arctic Centre in Rovaniemi, Finland. During the meeting, the content and format of the different climate change activities to take place 2010 were discussed. The logo and message of the project was also revealed during the meeting. Arctic Centre also presented the best practises on how to communicate climate change. In addition, the official launch event in Experimentarium, Copenhagen, was planned as well as a supporting side-event during the COP15 in December 2009.
The Scientific Board of the Accent project gathered the 22.11.2009 at the science centre Heureka in Vantaa, Finland. Each board member gave a presentation of their view on climate change and also gave advice on possible themes for the Accent project partners to communicate to their audience.
The Accent project’s launch event took place 14.12.2009 in the science centre Experimentarium, Copenhagen, Denmark. During the event, the logo “I do” was launched. Professionals in science communication came together from across Europe and beyond to the Experimentarium to discuss public engagement in climate change issues. The Accent project also held a side-event at the COP15 conference centre, the Bella Centre. In addition, Arctic Centre also promoted the Accent project at the Arctic Pavilion.
Science Centre exhibitions 2008
Permanent "Arctic in Change" science exhibition
The Finnish Nature Photograph of the Year 2007 competition’s winning pictures exhibition
18.1.2008 - 16.2.2008
Sámi Duodji - Exhibition on Sámi Handicrafts
06.09.2008 - 11.01.2009
Science Centre exhibitions 2009
Permanent "Arctic in Change" science exhibition
Sámi Duodji - Exhibition on Sámi Handicrafts
06.09.2008 - 11.01.2009
Environmental art project ”Jäähahtuva” (Ice flake) designed by student Veera Vitikka from Textile and Clothing Design degree program, University of Lapland and realized together with the Arctic Centre's Science Exhibition. The work of art was presented in front of the Arktikum house starting from 17th February 2009 until the snows melted.
Finnish Soundscapes art exhibition by Suomen Akustisen Ekologian Seura ry and Tampere University of Applied Sciences' Art and Communications program
2.3.2009 - 26.4.2009.
The Finnish Nature Photograph of the Year 2008 competition’s winning pictures exhibition
23.5.2009 - 15.6.2009.
TARA, an eye on arctic climate
Photo Exhibition about the TARA schooners two years journey at the Arctic Ocean
27.11.2009 -15.1.2010

All events at the Arctic Centre in 2008 - 2009.